implements a free economic policy. It is an export-oriented economy and is more dependent on external markets such as the United States, Japan and Europe. In the 1980s, the manufacturing industry, especially the electronics industry, developed rapidly and the economy continued to grow at a high speed. Listed as a middle-income country in 1996.......
Thailand has a constitutional monarchy. The constitution stipulates that government power belongs to the people and is exercised by the parliament, cabinet and courts with the royal approval of the king. Since 1932, the king has been the head of state of Thailand.........
Thailand has a long history of culture, and its literature, art and painting have their own unique styles. The Thai government attaches great importance to maintaining its own culture...


Geography and Natural Resources


Thailand is situated in the heart of the Southeast Asian and covering an area of 513,115, from North 5° 30" to 21° and from East 97° 30" to 105° 30", 

Thailand borders the Lao People's Democratic Republic and the Union of Myanmar to the North, the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Gulf of Thailand to the East, the Union of Myanmar and the Indian Ocean to the West, and Malaysia

 to the south 

Thailand has maximum dimensions of about 2,500 kilometers north to south and 1,250 kilometers east to west, with a coastline of approximately 1,840 kilometers on the Gulf of Thailand and 865 kilometers along the Indian Ocean. 

Capital : Bangkok 

Major Cities : 

The North is a mountainous region comprising natural forests, ridges and deep, narrow, alluvial valleys. The major city 

in the region is Chiang Mai. 

Central region, the basin of the Chao Phraya River, is a lush, fertile valley. It is the richest and most extensive rice-producing area in the country and has often been called the "Rice Bowl of Asia." Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, is located in this region. The major city in the region is Bangkok and Ayutthaya. 

The Northeast region is arid, characterized by rolling surfaces and undulating hills. Harsh climatic conditions often 

result in this region being subjected to floods and droughts. The major city in the region is Nakhon Ratchasima and Khon Kaen. 

The Southern region ranges from hilly to mountainous, with thick virgin forests and rich deposits of minerals and ores. The region is the center for production of rubber and cultivation of other tropical crops. The major city in the region is Songkla.


Thailand is a warm and rather humid tropical country. 

The climate is monsoonal, marked by a pronounced rainy season lasting from about May to September and a 

relatively dry season for the remainder of the year. 

Temperatures are highest in March and April and lowest in December and January. 

The average temperature is 28.0°C. 

Natural Resources:

Tin, rubber, natural gas, tungsten, tantalum, timber, lead, fish, gypsum, lignite, fluorite, arable land, wheat

Overview of Thailand
Trade with Thailand